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  • (English) Immigration Bail Bonds

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    If you need an immigration bail bond in Atlanta, call on AA Professional Bail Bonding. We offer immigration bonds for illegal aliens who have been arrested in Atlanta and surrounding areas, including Gwinnett County, Clayton County, Bartow County, Fulton County, Barrow County, Forsyth County and others. Our experienced and friendly staff is available 24 hours a day to help you with your immigration bond needs.

    In the event that you need to arrange an immigration bond, timeliness is important. Our staff can work quickly to file the necessary paperwork for an immigration bond so that your loved one can come home.

    When you need an immigration bond, your loved one has likely been taken to a federal law enforcement station for processing and booking by the Department of Homeland Security or Immigration Customs Enforcement. The staff at AA Professional Bail Bonding can help get your loved one home quickly and efficiently.

    How Can I Obtain an Immigration Bail Bond?

    When a loved one has been taken to a federal law enforcement station as an illegal alien, he or she will be processed and booked. An arraignment date will be set, along with an immigration bail fee. Your loved one will be able to make a collect call to you, and you will be allowed to visit them.

    The detainee will be assigned an “A number,” or file number, which is the number that our trained staff will need when they work with Immigration Customs Enforcement or the Department of Homeland Security to help your loved one.

    After receiving this number, your loved one will be served with a Notice to Appear. They will need to sign this, as well as a Notice of Custody Determination. The bond amount may be indicated here.

    Immigration bail bonds are contracts between the entity detaining your loved one (in this case, likely the Department of Homeland Security), the insurance company, and the company that puts up the money. This is called a surety bond. When you sign this contract as a co-signer, you are guaranteeing that you will pay the full amount of the bond if the Respondant does not comply with the demands made by the Department of Homeland Security under the conditions of the bond.

    In order for us to arrange an immigration bond with a co-signer, he or she must have collateral such as equity in a home or other property. At AA Professional Bail Bonding, we can help you determine what kind of collateral is needed.

    Once all the documents are in place for an immigration bond, our expert staff members will begin filing the necessary paperwork. In many cases, we are able to set your friend free within 24 hours.

    How Much is an Immigration Bail Bond?

    The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for setting the amount of the immigration bail bond needed to release your loved one. The staff at AA Professional Bail Bonding can work to determine this amount in order to put the process in motion.

    Contact Us in Georgia About an Immigration Bail Bond?

    If one of your friends or family members has been arrested as an illegal alien, call AA Professional Bail Bonding today to begin the process of getting them released from jail with an immigration bond. You can reach us locally at (678) 831-0470, or nationally at (888) 588-1705.